Social Media Campaign is one of the most critical parts of marketing which focuses on reinforcing or assisting with a business goal through marketing efforts using social media platforms.

Well, the purpose of social media campaigns is hugely to grab the attention of your target audience in a way that will help your organization to increase brand awareness and thus increase sales. Well, this is a lot of work and it all depends on the idea behind your campaign and the creativity element which can be a real game-changer.

Navigation is the key! You can search for various strategies, ideas, and approaches on how to make your campaign a big hit.

If you’re feeling short of ideas, don’t worry, you don’t have to start from scratch. We have got you covered with all-time big players of social media campaigns, uncovering the ideas as to what’s working for them and how you could use that idea to create your strategies in your own unique ways.

Top Social Media Campaigns To Inspire You.

1. Disney #ShareYourEars Campaign.

In November 2018, Disney and Make-A-Wish encouraged fans to take a photo showing off their “Mickey Mouse ears” and upload it to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. For every public post with #ShareYourEars, Disney Worldwide Services donated US $5 to Make-A-Wish (up to US $2 million) to grant more wishes.

According to the Director of Charitable Programmes, EMEA said, “It’s more than just a wish. The wish experience builds emotional resilience and gives seriously ill children a chance to express and explore their dreams and ambitions. We hope that #ShareYourEars will enable Make-A-Wish to create many more moments that matter for children and those closest to them around the world.” 

This campaign was a total success as it was a fun, visual and easy way to create goodwill. A lot of wholehearted support was seen from celebrities also. 

2. Always #LikeAGirl Campaign.

This product brand for women hygiene launched #LikeAGirl campaign to make sure that girls everywhere keep their confidence high while tackling the societal limitations that stand in their way. To empower young girls this hashtag redefined the phrase into a powerful statement instead of an insult.

The video encouraged viewers to participate in what it means to do things like a girl. Social media was flooded with personal achievements and encouragement to girls.

The video got around 66 million views on YouTube and has won several awards. 2 out of 3 men who watched the short film said “they’d now think twice before using ‘like a girl’ as an insult”.

By creating such a powerful and strong connection with a wide base of consumers, Always created a viral hashtag that inspired everyone to lift up young women.

3. Apple #ShotOniPhone Campaign.

Apple’s #ShotOniPhone campaign is one of the most successful social media campaigns ever. Following a successful campaign featuring photos shot on – you guessed it right- iPhones, Apple encouraged social media users to share their own photos with a chance for their work to appear on a billboard. 

Over the past couple of years, that hashtag has taken off and Apple’s official Instagram is dedicated exclusively to pictures #ShotOniPhone.

With one of the biggest pools of consumers under them, Apple leveraged the user-generated content to celebrate their technology in creative and visual ways. Artists use the hashtag to showcase their skills without the use of expensive equipment and Apple in return gets to show how easy it is to create high-quality content with their product.

This hashtag has over 6.5 million entries on Instagram alone. People with iPhones could easily submit their pictures on social media, making this an ongoing campaign that shows no signs of slowing.

4. Lonely Whale Foundation #StopSucking Campaign.

The StopSucking campaign launched by Lonely Whale Foundation addresses the extensive plastic pollution that results from the use of straws, and argued “completely unnecessary” item that is usually given to consumers at restaurants, cafes, and summer drink shacks without question and then thrown away. 

This campaign became viral thanks to various celebrities. Because of these efforts, Seattle has banned plastic straws and California has banned restaurants from giving patrons plastic straws. Starbucks has officially banned plastic straws partially thanks to the Lonely Whale Foundation.

This campaign became successful due to the playful humour behind the hashtag which made the issue eye-catching and shareable. 

The foundation encouraged people to participate in the campaign and bring others in via a challenge in which before you posted, you could generate a Challenge Code URL to track your challenge post’s influence.

5. Dove & Getty Images #ShowUs Campaign.

Dove collaborated with Getty Images to bring this powerful campaign to life. 

This campaign was launched as a call to talk about body positivity and acceptance. This hashtag features a library of 5000 photographs of women from 39 countries around the world depicting what women’s beauty and reality looks like which is often misinterpreted in ads and media.

This campaign was embraced widely as 70% of women felt “pressurised to reach an unrealistic standard of beauty”, while 49% stated they could not wear the clothes they wanted to, and 37% felt limited in their ability to express their real identity.

This campaign aimed to tackle these problems. “It was women in front of and behind the camera, and building this photo library to say, ‘This is what beauty looks like today,’”.

6.  OfficeMax Elf Yourself.

Office Max launched the cleverest campaign in 2006 known as Elf yourself where people could upload pictures of themselves to generate a video of dancing elves.

 Elf Yourself incorporated a variety of unique, innovative elements in order to connect with its audience base and the result was people spending hours on their phone.

To put it simply, this social media campaign put a human face on a huge retail chain. Office Max will now forever be linked with dancing Christmas elves, despite the fact that most of its products could easily be considered boring. The marketing team at Office Max clearly got super creative in order to put together this uber-successful campaign. 

Back when it first launched, the website gained 200 hits per second with 8 elves created per second.

7. Moonpie: #MoonPieToTheMoon2024 Campaign.

Moonpie caught the attention of NASA executives with their witty content wanting to land a moon pie on the moon, going so far as to create a petition to send to NASA to make it happen.

Their brand loyalists signed it and shared it with their communities prompting many twitter mentions and new conversations from brands like United Airlines. 

Creatively wedged into the NASA anniversary (#10 above) the #MoonPieToTheMoon2024 made people giggle and reminded customers how they bring light-heartedness and fun to the dessert table. 

8. Friskies and BuzzFeed: Dear Kitten Campaign.

Friskies teamed up with BuzzFeed and video creator Ze Frank to create a viral social media campaign, titled “Dear Kitten”, wherein an old cat was imparting advice to a new kitten.

Now cute kittens have been an all time viral sensation, this time it was no different. However, the hilarious script writing is in a league of its own.

Dear Kitten has more than 31.8 million views and was shared countless times on social media. Plus, BuzzFeed and Friskies have ridden the wave and created a viral video franchise.

In an online world, what’s actually missing is the real connection between humans. Creating a campaign that revolves around causes that people can stand for or get behind, some amount of humour, and personalized brand experiences that can be shared with others. All these elements can turn a small campaign into a big hit.

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