Emirates grew out of a desert at a miraculous speed to attract global attention. It has emerged as a popular tourist attraction in the world. And why wouldn’t anyone want to do a suitable business in a country that is so fast and has a 90% population made up of immigrants living peacefully with each other here?

Why not? Just 50 years ago, all you could see in Dubai was a desert but now, it is way far from it, you can see the world’s best construction sites, the tallest building in the world, an entire palm island in the ocean, nuclear power plants, shark aquarium built in a mall, an entire city in the desert and the list goes on.

That means this city offers a hell of a lot of business if only one could invest with a sound mind and adequate information about the demand for startup costs poised for success in Dubai. Also, a successful vaccination drive coupled with ongoing Expo 2020 has helped Dubai’s economy to bounce back sharply from the pandemic which in turn is reflecting visible growth.

Want to know where to invest in 2022? Here are some of the business ideas you should know:

1. Real estate business

When compared to global cities, real estate in Dubai is underrated and because of this, investors can potentially double their money in a period of five years through short-term rental income.

According to DLD, Dubai has recorded the best October in the past 8 years as the real estate sector has attracted a whopping Dh.13.12 billion in investments spreading over 5,352 deals.

While beating the Covid-induced uncertainties in this sector, Dubai is back and is showing strong signs of sustained growth in 2022. Investing here would make a huge difference.

2. Advertising agency

In the ever-growing businesses in Dubai, you could make a smart move by investing in an advertising agency. Given the presence of thousands of already established brands and the increase in newly registered companies, opening an ad agency to plan, produce, and deliver creative advertising solutions is bound to flourish in Dubai.

Pandemic has added the icing on the cake especially through the digital platform since it has gained immense attention from the companies to get launched virtually.

3. Tourism 

Known for its breathtaking tourist destinations, UAE has seen an enormous and accelerated flow of tourists ever since the desert turned into heaven.

Also, the government of UAE eased travel restrictions followed by Expo 2020 exhibition that has helped boost the city’s key tourism industry. It’s only meant to flourish. Investing here would be a really constructive decision.

 4. Healthcare services

Well, health is wealth! It is not a wonder that the health industry is one of the most lucrative industries in the world. A lot of people suffer from different kinds of disease and alarming health problems these days so the need and demand for healthcare specialists have just gone bigger through the years.

This city has seen a 5000 percent population increase since the 1960s and shows no signs of stopping. Healthcare service providers and facilities are in high demand all the time.

With a growing population, existing facilities struggle to provide the best services to citizens.  If you are a healthcare professional looking to start a private practice, Dubai is just the right place to start with.

 5. E-Commerce  

Investing in an E-Commerce industry is a win-win situation. It has seen a global demand and like any other country, Dubai is no exception.

According to recent research, almost 91 % of the population in Dubai has internet access. And with this, an E-commerce business has grown rapidly during the pandemic.

The e-commerce market is as lucrative as any other market.  And with the number of online businesses growing, big e-commerce companies are operating offshore accounts in Dubai.

All you need to have is a valid E-commerce license, a bank account, an E-commerce website, and the Banking and payment gateway and you are good to go.

 6. Web developing or digital marketing

Investing in digital marketing is something that is quite cheap and could actually make you good money, you just need the required skills, a laptop, and of course an internet connection to make a website.

Every year, thousands of businesses are launched here in Dubai and every new business in this era needs to develop a website to start with.

Hence, setting up a digital marketing agency with a good, skilled team can fetch you a dream fortune. 

These are some of the ideas that can help you build a good business with a promising tomorrow in Dubai. There are certainly many other business options where you can build a successful business career.

However, these are some of the tried and tested business ideas with promising growth. 

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