Firstly let’s get our minds clear about what remote workspaces/ coworking spaces are before we begin confusing them with working from home.

Co-working space implies a joint setting of workers belonging to different organizations. The mode is favorite to independent contractors, scientists, and work-from-home professionals, and sometimes the ones whom we refer to as the digital Nomads.

It involves sharing an office space where everything from the equipment and connectivity to refreshments is shared amiably to ensure everyone enjoys similar working conditions with equal perks.

Remote workspaces comply with those who cannot make it to the in-house offices and in fact, perform better and productively when the office setup is shared with different organizations.

Such a workspace demands an excellent work environment, tools and gadgets to amplify their productivity, and meticulous time management to make it all work.

Such employees must be hired while taking into consideration the limitations of their physical presence while maintaining a constant bar of work delivery. 

On the other hand, work from home implies those conditional working hours arising out of temporary yet unavoidable circumstances when the resumption of in-office work is imminent.

Now, as the difference is settled, we can progress into analyzing what makes coworking good or bad in itself. 

Remote workspaces as convenient as it sounds for the employees of an organization are defined by certain pros and cons that make them not suitable for everyone. Remote workspaces are mostly favorable along with being productive for the overall working of an organization. In very rare cases, the pressures of unavoidable circumstances make co-working office space inconvenient.  

Let’s address them one by one.


1. Boost in Productivity

Working at ease, surrounded by what you perceive brings positivity to you reflects in quality work as submitted by you. 

2. Self Convenience

Finding the best place in your town for an important meeting with a client or booking a last-minute conference room for your shareholders is what makes it more satisfactory. 

3. Work with fun

While working at coworking spaces, you get access to amenities like a gym, spa, pool tennis court, etc where you can stress out during your free time.

4. Huge Savings

At coworking offices, as a company, you don’t have any liability to pay for office expenses like electricity charges, printing overheads, and other infrastructural costs except for the agreed rent helping the company to save money & diversify the same to other resources.

5. Always on time

As a chain reaction of rewards, this leads to saving time for both the employee and the overall office hours although the work-sloths might have to start looking for new excuses for reporting late to work.

6. Excellent time management

Remote Workspace attracts another benefit for the employees in terms of not being busy all the time. With excellent time management skills, such employees can manage their work while balancing their personal life within the bounds they find permissible. 

Remote Working has also given rise to another term called Digital Nomads. They are those well-organized and dedicated workers who work on the run i.e., travel or outdoor activities thus showcasing their efficiency all the way along.

Despite the advantageous nature of remote working or co-working spaces, some conditions make remote spaces questionable. In order to hire remote working or co-working services, these must be taken into account as well.


1. Inadequate Equipments

There is a need for a sophisticated trail of gadgets and interconnections that must be installed and well functioning for the uninterrupted work and communication with the in-house team. These include laptops, displays, webcams, headphones, printers in an unending streak of requirements that could have been available in-house but not all coworking spaces are well equipped with all the gadgets except some best coworking spaces that offer all the benefits under the sun.

2. Connectivity

There is a requirement for uninterrupted connectivity. The idea of a remote workspace is a flop plan to consider if your employees are located at places with perturbed connectivity.

In fact, if their roles are prudent for the organization, their absences at long or stuttering availability becomes disastrous to address even the basic issues at hand. Hiring such an employee who might even possess a remarkable skillset can on the contrary jeopardize your organization unless you decide to accommodate them in-house.

3. Working Environment

An innate limitation of Remote Workspace is the different set of circumstances from the in-house working. Weather, natural calamities, or political, social, or even personal disturbances pave the way to another set of unavoidable situations that would hinder remote working.

4. Lack of Backup

And last but not the least, lack of backup machinery or a swift repair mechanism for a malfunctioning unit comes as another limitation to coworking spaces. It might take days to address bugs or make amends in remote working what could have been easily addressed instantly in-house.

It may appear as if a remote workspace may not be a good idea entirely, but there are two sides to every coin. We have assumed the worst-case scenarios but under favorable conditions, remote working brings forth the finest efficiency of employees.

In fact, the efficiency of any mode of working is defined by the attitude of the involved parties among other circumstances that they face in their everyday lives. While remote workspaces fit for some, it might be inadequate for certain types of roles and this can be best understood when both the parties are vocal about their situations and the role in consideration.

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