Last year was very cruel for all of us in a lot of different ways. Leave the health part aside, the world lost its balance across sectors and fraternities. Everyone among us knows at least a person from our family or friend circle who lost his/her job due to the pandemic. This was not limited to a single sector, almost all the sectors had to go through the same fate.

The deadly virus caused around eighty-one million people to lose their jobs. A lot of bread earners were left with no choice but to start doing something they had never imagined they’d be doing one day. Well, nobody could be blamed for the same.

Everybody and every business were just left in shambles. Several sectors still made it through but many of them couldn’t. If you are also among the lot who lost their jobs due to the pandemic, this blog is a treat for you as I’ll be talking about some of the ways you can go to make money in these tough times. All you need to have is the passion for making money and the confidence to stay firm on your goal. 

Below written are some ideas you can opt for, to make some money amidst this lockdown. These are some of the jobs and profiles that you can do to keep your survival going.


If you have good knowledge about a certain subject, say for example about foreign admissions or the job procedures, you can be a career or educational consultant. You can guide people to choose what suits them the best. A lot of admissions are taking place even in these tough times where colleges and Universities are teaching through online mode. You can counsel the students to choose the best programs for a bright future. The same goes for job placements. A number of companies have gone remote and started hiring people across the globe. You can help them choose a good career and make money during this pandemic.

Online Teaching:

If you are someone from the teaching fraternity and lost your job due to the pandemic, this option is perfect for you. A number of educational institutes around the globe are hiring people for online tuitions and online regular classes. You can be a part of any institute while being at home. All you need to have is the art of teaching and a passion to teach online. You can actually make a lot of money which is usually paid hourly. All you need to do is going to the web and search for the openings related to your subject. You can also choose to make that your permanent career option.

Cleaning services:

If you always loved cleaning your house and keeping everything organized, here’s when that is going to save you in these hard times. You can choose to be a cleaning service agency where you can just clean people’s homes and other stuff. What makes it more relevant in this pandemic is the need of sanitizing and cleaning the house after a person tests negative for this deadly virus. It is usually recommended to clean your house after a person who was earlier tested positive and has now tested negative. You can help the family clean their house and earn a handsome amount.

Freelance Copywriter:

A sector that didn’t get much affected during the pandemic is the advertising sector. Being one of the biggest sectors in the world after petroleum, this sector faced very little as compared to the other sectors. Many advertising companies and digital marketing agencies are hiring people who can write ad copies for various platforms like TV, Radio, social media for them while staying at their respective places. If you have that creative flair in you and possess a good knowledge about branding and all, you can make a lot of money by going for freelance copywriting.

Online Reselling :

If you’re sitting idle and not doing anything during this pandemic, this can be a very good earning opportunity for you. A good percentage of people consider online shopping that has actually created a good market. You can take advantage of it and become an online reseller to earn a decent percentage of money for your survival amidst this pandemic. You can choose from a number of categories, to begin with. Some of the popular categories you can go for are fashion which includes clothing, accessories, footwear, etc and electronics which includes home appliances, mobile phones, etc.

Tough times aren’t going to last but what is going to last is the memory of how we survived it. The above are only a few of the many ideas that you can choose to keep your survival alive. You are not going to stay with these professions permanently. It is just up to the times when normalcy is back again. Once the normalcy is here, you can immediately switch to the profession you want. This is just to keep your morale and survival expenses going. There are many other options you can choose to be. You can be a remote bookkeeper, a home care servant, an app developer, a professional organizer, a lawn care servant,  etc.

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