Imagine if you were given a chance to travel for free. Sounds dreamy, right? Do you have that inner bug compelling you to see the world, explore everything? If you constantly find yourself daydreaming about your next escape, then you should probably stop thinking and start working on it!

If you have wanderlust but can’t afford it, then this article is going to open the doors of a new world to you! We will share with you some innovative ideas that can help you to travel free. Don’t expect royal lounges and luxury hotels but you will definitely get a chance to immerse yourself in new cultures and get a new outlook on life.

Trust me, it’s no scam. These are practical ways on how to travel the world without spending any penny. 

Let’s dive in!

1. Some Volunteer work will go a long way!

The internet is filled with loads of websites that have a list of countries offering to host people in exchange for a few hours of work throughout the week. You may have to spend a few dollars for signing up in the program, but that’s it. No more hidden costs, travel charges, or accommodation expenses. You can even volunteer for a span of two years.

2. Housesitting can be a lot more fun!

Like new places?Love animals? If yes, then this one will surely be your call for the next travel. 

Housesitting is an amazing way to explore new places throughout the globe for free. There are gazillions of platforms that will offer you the relevant data for home sitting opportunities. It’s not a job, it is an exchange wherein you get to live for free and enjoy furry snuggles in return for taking care of the home and pets. 

man with bag watching mountains - XploreDubai
3. Couch Surfing

What’s a better way to travel for free than couch surfing! In couch surfing, you will be sponsored by travelers from all around the world. So, you will be in safe hands because they know how it is to be on the road. Some of you might be skeptical of staying with a stranger but use your judgment and a dash of trust on fellow travelers will work for you. 

As Anita Desai has said, “Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.”  

Who knows, you might meet some cool people out there or rediscover yourself!

big cruise in sea - Xploredubai
4. Travel on a Cruise Ship!

If you love traveling some much, how about getting a job that lets you follow your passion? Then find a job on the cruise ship. It’s your best bet to get free accommodation, food, and unlimited travel all over the world. 

Cruise ships have lots of job opportunities ranging from entertainers to babysitter to bartender, waiter, and many more.

5. Teach English!

Grab your chance to go overseas as an English teacher and you will get a travel stipend, free housing, and even a salary! You don’t need a proper degree for it, just a simple certification would do. But, it also depends on each country’s protocols. Some countries you can visit are Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Gulf Arab States, South Korea, and Japan.

6. Sign up for House Swap!

Many agencies bring different homeowners for the mutual benefit of home swapping. All you need to do is pay for the annual membership fee on some home swapping site and the rest of your work will be done free of cost. This will work best if you live in a famous vacation spot, plus, you will need to book a spot in advance. 

7. Wwofing!

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms is a platform where travelers from all the parts of the world come and work on a farm in exchange for accommodation and free meals. It is a great learning experience and you can try your hands on something new. Just pick a destination and start your heist.

8. Become a Travel Blogger

As Dalai Lama has said, “Once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before.” and the best way to travel is as a travel blogger!

Travel Blogging is fun and you can even earn bucks from it. Many restauranteurs and hoteliers can sponsor your travels in exchange for their promotions. So, clean your camera, tie your shoes, pack your bags and get started for your journey as a blogger!

We have shared some smart ways to travel that will save your money and help you to grow as a person in many ways. It’s better to travel in exchange for some service than to sit at home wishing you could save up for travel. 

So, who’s ready for an adventure? Let us know in the comment section!

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