Turning 30 is a strange feeling, kinda like 29, but it’s not. You are an adult and can’t deny it. And that’s why it is important to make the best out of your twenties. It is easy to drop everything, pack your bags, and jet off to your expeditions when you are young. Traveling is the best way to say adios to your young self and welcome a new phase of your life. 

How about you go in search of self-discovery and come back with a much energetic self this year? Take a break from whatever you are doing. It is time to work on yourself. Sometimes you owe it to yourself!

We have compiled a list of the best travel destinations that you can’t miss. Add them to your bucket list!

Ready to dive in?

1. London, England

Big Ben, The London Eye, Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, Notting Hill, Oxford Street, Brick Lane, and the list can go on forever. You will definitely regret not visiting London before your 30’s. It is the perfect city to get the best of your vacations. Ticking off all these destinations requires the energy of a 20-year-old! 

2.  New York, USA

New York is a shoppers paradise. The place is perfect to empty your wallets and treat yourself with some luxury. Who cares about bills and mortgages? You’re not Thirty yet! Catch a show on Broadway and get the best views of New York from the top of Empire State Building. This fast-paced city is a must-visit! Did we mention how awesome food you are going to get there?

3. Machu Picchu, Peru

If you are an adventure seeker then Machu Picchu is calling for you! Thus untouched Incan ruins are the perfect place for some breathtaking hiking. The amazing structures aligned astronomically are a mystery to us. Come and Revitalize yourself in this refreshing place.

4. Cairo, Egypt

Does Ancient Egyptian Civilization fascinate you? If yes, then Cairo is one place you can’t afford to miss. Not much far from the bustling crowd of the Cairo city, the Great Pyramids stand as a symbol of Egyptian might. Enjoy the best of rich ancient Egypt culture, don’t forget to visit the Great Sphinx. These ancient marvels are a conundrum to architects even today!

5. Paris, France

Paris, the city of love is the best place to saunter along the banks of River Seine. You might gain some pounds in your visit to this city of indulgence. The cheese, colorful macaroons, baguettes, patas while enjoying the gorgeous architecture of the city. The view from the top of the Eiffel tower is a true delight. The galleries of the Louvre, backstreets of Marais are exotic and refreshing. Fall in love with this city and its food. It is the dream place for all the sweet tooths out there! Visit Paris and enjoy the delicious cheese because if not now, then when?

6. Rome, Italy

It is no surprise, Rome is on the list. Not just the rich historical and cultural experiences but the weather of Rome is a perfect fit for vacations. And yes, the food is simply amazing. Just take your sunglasses and soak yourself in the warm sun while enjoying every bit of this city. The Vatican, the Colosseum, and the Pantheon are some of the top destinations you must have on your list. The city is the temple of Pizza, apart from that you can relish the famous pasta, gelato, and tiramisu. 

7. San Diego, USA

’20s can be stressful, all the workload and stress can make you miss out on the best adventures. So, enjoy the best of your youth before the responsibilities of real-life drop on you. And what better than the beaches of San Diego? Try turfing, paddling, stand-up on board and give yourself an adrenaline rush. You can also read your favorite book by the shores, listen to your guilty playlist and when hunger hits, feast on the delicious tacos.

8. Vancouver, Canada

The king of outdoors, Vancouver is the first choice of all the adventure mongers. The city is the best place for ski, but watch out for whales on your trip to the seas. Mountain biking, early sunrise hikes is all that we live for! Enjoy the best of Canada in the lap of nature. This place calls for the reckless strength of youth!

9. Tokyo, Japan

Up for craziness? Then Tokyo is the best place to be in. The city is a bizarre combination of cherry blossom trees, robot cafes, and Harajuku girls all blended with charm and style. You must definitely visit Tokyo before real-life dawns upon you.

As  George A. Moore has said,

“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.”

Hopefully, you will rediscover yourself in your coming tours and step into the next phase of your life with a better experience.

So, what’s your next travel destination? Let us know in the comment section below.

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