Think of Dubai and you’ll get a visual of the grand celebration of the new year night in front of the giant good looking structures. You aren’t the only one who’d think like that but everyone who has seen the modern times Dubai will act the same.

But, Dubai wasn’t like this always. You might find it hard to believe but the sky-high buildings and the world-class infrastructure that you witness is the result of the transformation that took place in just a few decades.

Whenever the history of modern times will be written, the transformation of Dubai in such a small brief duration will be kept on top.

You must be wondering about what difference did Dubai make to reach where it is today when almost every nation is working tirelessly towards its development and progress.

Well, the story starts at the beginning of the 20th century when Dubai was established as one of the top trading ports of the region. Until then, it was like any other port.

The Deira souk, which is there even today, was one of the largest in the region at that time. We can say that it was because of it that it got a considerable international attraction.

Many businessmen showed interest in the place and that’s where the foundation of the transformation was laid. It was 1966 when the fate of Dubai changed forever. 

One of the biggest developments that took place was that the oil revenues were used to fund the giant infrastructure projects such as Jebel Ali Port, which helped establish Dubai as the biggest trading hub in the MENA region.

Not just this it also helped the expansion of Dubai International Airport, which became the world’s biggest international aviation hub with time.

Although Dubai had already started transforming, it was in the 1990s and 2000s when the transformation took place and the world started not just noticing Dubai but appreciating it as well.

It was the time when Burj Al Arab and Burj Khalifa were made. This made Dubai an international attraction attracting thousands of tourists from across the globe to come and have a look at something that was going to be remembered for times to come.

These major developments helped Dubai get listed in the world’s most dynamic metropolises.  In the last few decades, Dubai has emerged as a major global tourism destination.

This can be evidenced by the massive increase in the number of people travelling to the emirate from all parts of the world.

Dubai never looked back after it took off towards the direction of being one of the best-developed places. You may call it anything but denying the consistency and vision of its people won’t be fair on their part.

These developments only take place when you know what you want to do and have the passion for executing it in the right way. They stood firm on their aspirations and did what they had envisioned. The listing below a few things that helped Dubai reach where it is today.

  • The architecture and infrastructure in Dubai have definitely played a very important role in shaping its future. When I say architecture, I mean the overall architecture and infrastructure including the buildings, malls, roads, bridges, etc. Some of them have become international attractions like the world’s largest man-made marina, Dubai Marina.  It has world-renowned beaches, tourist spots, restaurants, cafes, yacht docks, and a number of residential and commercial towers. More than 1,20,000 are happily living there.
  • Dubai is the hub of tourist destinations. Unlike other places, you will find it very hard to explore all the places in a single trip. They haven’t just built the infrastructure but they have built the most beautiful and worth watching infrastructure. Some of the famous places include Madinat Jumeirah, Deira souks, The Dubai Museum, Desert safaris, Dhow Wharfage, Arabian food and shisha, Sheikh Zayed Mosque and Burj Khalifa. The tourism industry is flourishing in Dubai which has changed the face of the hotel and other tourism services-related business owners.
  • Did you know that Dubai also has a global financial centre? Many of you might not be well-versed with it but Dubai isn’t behind here as well. Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) has done wonders in the sector and,  as of today, there are over 2,000 companies registered at DIFC. This came into being back in 2002 as a free zone just off Sheikh Zayed Road and has reached a level where it acts as the financial district of Dubai.
  • You must have heard about the skyscrapers in Dubai which is one of the biggest assets of Dubai’s infrastructure. They are as many as 22 in number. They are a mixture of hotels, residential towers, and offices. Some of the biggest skyscrapers are Infinity Tower (Dubai`s 21st tallest tower), Gevora Hotel ( Tallest hotel in the world), Emirates Towers ( 41st tallest building in Dubai), Princess Towers (414 m), Pentominium (471 m), Marina 101 (371 m) and the Elite Residence (381 m). These have surely contributed to transforming Dubai.

You can’t count the number of things that have contributed to a transformed Dubai. All of them have played their part in one way or the other. Let that be the countless film shooting destinations or the Dubai Metro.

Dubai has seen swift growth and is all set to go ahead. The pandemic has made the whole world go still but as soon as absolute normalcy arrives, Dubai will hit its next milestones.

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