Let us recall the time when one used to host large-scale business conferences and all attendees had to travel to that particular location ahead of the set time. Frustrating, isn’t it?

But this scenario has changed over the past couple of years! The rise of the “micro-influencer” and endorsements is exposing audiences to the magical world of advertisements on a much more personal level. With the rise in the popularity of the video content and social engagement, it’s becoming really easy to communicate to a mass audience. Similarly it’s no surprise that webinars are becoming an effective way to host a seminar event digitally to a global audience.

The United Arab Emirates provides an oasis of investment opportunities in Dubai through webinars. Webinars are the key inbound marketing technique, particularly for business-to-business companies. They can be used to support different audience engagement goals across the B2B marketing and sales funnel from attracting new prospects to interact with your brand through to nurturing prospects, product demonstrations and keeping customers up-to-date.

If your webinar aims at delivering high value learning in bite-sized interventions which participants can enjoy ‘live’ during advertised times, or can watch later at times that are more convenient to them, then these webinars can definitely help in raising the profile of your business.

How? Keep reading…

1. Reach and engage with target audience-

target audience

Whatever niche it may be, the digital world has made it much easier to reach the specific target audience on a global scale. With the correct marketing and SEO, webinars are available to everyone across all digital platforms.

Webinars are special for two main reasons. Firstly, they are one-time events that happen LIVE, thus giving it the power of scarcity. When a viewer is watching a video, they know they can pause it and can come back anytime later. But that’s not the case with webinars. If your prospect leaves/misses the webinar, he/she will feel the pain of missing out.

Secondly, it’s conversational engagement. Webinar helps you to give your audience a voice. Webinars are one of the best platforms for interaction with chat features and open “Question and Answer” sessions and offering much more in-depth conversation.

2. Increase business brand awareness-

increased brand awareness

Promoting your business brand by spreading about your company or product is how webinars help in increasing business awareness. Remember a good webinar doesn’t just mean to deliver all the important information about your company or to make it a sales pitch presentation. It means presenting high-quality content that counts and shoots up your business coverage.

You can host free webinars with quality content on weekly basis and paid webinars later on. Save these videos and upload them on your YouTube channel. You can share these videos on various social media channels as videos increase good understanding as compared to blogs or news articles.

3. Make sales without selling hard-

Make sales

A lot of businesses make the mistake of teaching and then selling, when in reality, one must teach and sell through webinars at the same time. Best webinars showcase problems, kill objections and deliver value without teaching too much. Your content should teach you audience “what” (your product) to want and by the time you make the offer, the entire audience would already want it. This makes the sale natural, thus no “hard selling” is required.

4. Qualify new lead-

new lead

The best way to build a relationship is to start giving value first. Webinars give you the opportunity to teach the leads and help them understand why they need your product in the first place. They allow you to build relationships and have real-time conversations.

The best part is that it works with new leads just as well as it works with “seasoned” leads. You can leave a great first impression on people who are hearing from you for the first time.

Need help growing your business fast? Have you considered webinars as a part of your marketing strategy? If not, then this is the right time to invest and conduct a webinar to reach the potential audience!


  • YourFriendPablo

    February 2, 2019 - 6:26 pm

    Great, I really like it! Youre awesome

  • Mix-Movie.com

    August 23, 2019 - 10:37 pm

    Webinars are powerful, and certainly there are a lot more than 10 reasons to run them. Hopefully this list inspires you to get out there and use webinars in your business, whether they’re for lead generation, sales, training, or all of the above. The point of this article is that the downside is much smaller (if it even exists at all) in comparison to the upside?—?the potential.

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