With so many marketing strategies out there, small businesses find it difficult to decide which tactics will provide the best ROI thus making it important to pay close attention to the emerging trends, methods and strategies.

If you are looking for the profitable investment opportunities in Dubai video marking can play wonders. They have been an important part of marketing strategies for years. As social media and mobile technology continues to advance, video marketing has played a central role in campaigns and practices. But before we proceed to the video marketing benefits, have a look at some statistics of video consumption in the Middle East by Go-Gulf

  • The Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region is ranked second in the world by the number of daily YouTube videos views with more than 300 million views.
  • 70% of the smartphone users in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the UAE watch videos on social networking websites at least once a week, compared to the 65% global average.
  • 79% of viewers in the UAE consume short form video content on smartphones in comparison to 70% on laptops and 35% on television.

Here are five reasons why and how video marketing can benefit your business in Dubai, UAE-

1. Video engages all users-


A recent study conducted by ReelSEO found that out of 600 marketers, 93% of them are using videos in their marketing campaigns, and 82% confirmed that video marketing had a positive impact on their business.


Many marketers and companies have jumped on to the video trend and are thus experiencing higher customer engagement with video marketing. Unlike other types of marketing content, videos offer a personal connection with a person talking directly to the viewers.

Videos give your audience an easier way to consume information thus making more impact on them. Reports have shown that if there’s a video and text present on a page, then 60% of the visitors will watch the video before reading any text. They are also believed to increase the inbound links to a blog post. Video posts are shared 1200% more than links and text combined, and viewers are more likely to press “share this video” button than they would with text.

2. Boosts conversion rate-

Increased conversion rates

One of the strongest points of video marketing is that it’s highly visual and auditory, i.e. it’s easier for many users to remember than text-based content. Some of the statistics of video marketing shared by HubSpot are-

  • Video is projected to claim more than 80% of the web traffic by 2019.
  • Adding videos to email marketing can boost click through rates by 200-300%.
  • Embedding videos in landing pages can increase conversion rates by 80%.
  • 64% of the customers are likely to buy a product online after watching a video of it.
  • 87% of the online marketers are using video marketing in their digital marketing strategies.

3. Boosts your website’s SEO-

Improves SEO

It’s quite clear that quality video marketing strategy can dramatically improve your site’s SEO by driving visitors to your website. Video marketing not only improves the conversion rates but also improves your site’s SEO value. It is observed that 65% of business decision makers visit a marketer’s websites after watching a branded video.

Moreover, with video marketing, search engines will automatically increase the rank factor for videos because of the rich media content. Optimizing the video’s keywords in the title and description will increase SEO as well.

4. Helps strengthen your brand-

Brand Reputation

When using online video in your digital marketing strategy, you are giving yourself the perfect opportunity to enhance your brand name. Video marketing is the ideal tool to strengthen your brand identity and make sure that your customers know who you are.

The Search Engine Results Page (SERP) highlights video content by virtue of three major indicators- relevance, freshness and social media value. The type of marketing videos that helps in increasing the brand reputation are-

  • Company overview
  • Question & answer sessions
  • Testimonials
  • Announcements
  • Product/Service Demonstrations
  • Promotions

Remember, for your videos to be effective, they need not to be fancy or expensive.

5. Increases Mobile Traffic-

Mobile Traffic

Video content represents nearly half of all the mobile activities of your audience thus driving around 69% of the traffic movement on specific mobile network systems.


As per Rhythm Insights, mobile video Ads of 30-second have around 90% completion rate.

85+ percent of marketers have said that video marketing would play the most significant role in their mobile marketing. In addition, most social media platforms have the “auto play” option, where a video will start playing as you scroll past it, grabbing the viewers’ attention easily.

1 Comment

  • Sunaina

    October 8, 2019 - 7:32 am

    Marketers are increasingly using videos in a variety of ways to promote products and services. They use videos for YouTube, landing pages, recorded webinars, emails and more. Videos also help introduce brands to potential customers and build lasting relationships with existing customers.

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