Dubai is always counted among the best business platforms. There are enormous business opportunities in Dubai because of the abundance of resources and a healthy business climate. This place is even playing a master card in the world of online business. Dubai rulers are constantly working hard to improve the online business environment and providing more and more facilities and opportunities for investors.

If you also want to try your hand in the online world the most important thing which you need to have in your mind is- how to improve the user experience of your business?

Well, the user experience is one of the most important aspects of any business that has an online presence. Defined as the overall experience of a person using a website, UX’s core principle is how easy or pleasing the website is to use.

Sometimes managing a better user experience can be critical to almost every business. It is the key way through which a customer engages with your company and/or your brand. This is important to give a positive experience to your costumer. Creating value for the user will give them a reason to come back and that is essential. Today we have listed tips which will improve the user experience of your online business. Roll down and read more:

  1. Don’t irate your costumer by asking personal info again and again:

No doubt consumers today don’t mind to share their personal data but they may feel irritated when asked to do it again. You have to be extra careful to intelligently govern every piece of information from a customer. For increasing user-friendly experience of your business, don’t peep into many personal details.

  1. Navigation:

When you are heading online business in Dubai be sure your website serves its primary function; give the visitor access to what you offer easily and quickly. Always keep it in mind that if the visitor cannot find what they’re looking for, they aren’t going to stay on your site.

According to the study, about 61% of users switch to another site if they aren’t able to find what they’re looking for right away.

So, the best option is to create an optimal solution that provides clear and concise navigation, giving the visitor no excuse not to find what they’re looking for. Give your clients what they want not what you want to give them!

  1. Remember to give a human touch:

If you surf online, you can find many UAE investment opportunities but to get the best from it truly depends on you. After investment, the next important step is how you carry your clients. You have to keep in mind that you work for them only. It is advisable to create real connections by making technology feel more human while allowing employees to create better customer experiences. Giving that human touch is very important to grow your business as interaction is the key for seamless and unobtrusive service. Giving human touch will also help you in winning the trust and building the goodwill of your company.

  1. Have Strong brand alignment:

Though the online platform is very beneficial for any business startup there is a competition online in every industry. But creating a unique and brand-aligned website can sometimes help in differentiating your product from competitors. Having a strong brand alignment can help you in showing your USP ad credibility to the user. If the client buys into your brand idea, the likelihood is that they will come back, and even better, tell their friends about you.  This strong brand alignment will help you in chain marketing. So identify the USP of your brand, and spread the same uniqueness across your website.

  1. Be Transparent and simple as much you can:

Transparency is the basic quality which your company should provide to the clients. Be transparent with your customers, when it comes to pitching your services or product. Provide services for what they pay. You can even use video as a form of online communication to ensure that your customers understand your product offering. Besides transparency, keep your online interface simple, use fewer colours, fewer features, just less. Remember how Google was and still is just one free simple white page with lines of results. See how subtle and clean looking the Apple products and packages are… Remember how simple things speak louder.

  1. Give your clients multi-platform experience:

Give your clients multi-platform for that you just have to simply optimize your interface across all platforms, including desktop, mobile and tablets. It is found that if your mobile experience isn’t pleasant you could be losing almost half your custom. Creating a consistent multi-platform experience benefits you in a number of ways:

  • It can increase efficiency
  • Helps in trust building
  • Helps in increasing brand
  1. Use multimedia:

It is found that audiovisuals have more impact than words. It helps to increase the credibility of your online product. Not only video, but high-quality images are also the key to charm your audience. People often say ‘a picture tells a thousand stories’ and although it’s clichéd, it’s true. It is the multimedia which is a good way to keep your clients engaging and leaving a long lasting impression of your brand.

These were certain tips to improve the user experience of your online business in Dubai. Try them and don’t forget to share your experience in the comment section.

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